These are just 17 cats being their adorable and weird selves.
1. So helpful. Thanks, cat!
2. Someone asked her a hard math question.
3. A purrfect set of armchair
4. Having a cat yoga instructor is the new hot yoga trend.

credit: kirakittykatt
5. “Hmmm, what should I destroy today?”
6. She loves wearing her ignoring people bag.
7. From a young age, cats learn to establish their dominance over humans.

credit: kelbrina
8. “I like the paw holes.”
9. Always share your pepperoni.
10. Don’t catnip and drive.
11. This is not a cat nap, this is a people nap.
12. “… and thank you for my bountiful crunchies. Amen.”
13. “What.”
14. He’s getting ready for a big leap. Watch out!

credit: ngunter7
Or maybe he just sits like a weirdo.
15. “This is what I meant to do. Obviously.”

credit: godofleet
Sure, cat.
16. “Halp!”
17. “Behold, it is I, the monster that lives under your bed and in your sheets!”