Categories: lovelycuddly

35+ Hysterical Photos That Only Dog Owners Will Understand


As a dog owner, you have a personal connection to your pet. You know all of their nuances, including how they react to certain actions, food, and situations. Most of all, you know that deep down they love you regardless of what happens in their lives.

This includes a lot of situations that non-dog owners would not understand. Some examples include how they make the best alarm clocks, will chase anything, and often get themselves in the trickiest of situations. But you love them anyway regardless of their quirks.

It is these very things that make your dog an endearing pet, and you wouldn’t trade your dog for anything. Simply put, their quirks are what make them so special. Here are some of the things about dogs that only a dog owner will understand.


1) Their Hair Gets All Over the Floor


Most dogs are known to shed copious amounts of fur all over the floor. And this is not only restricted to the floor. Go into a dog owner’s home, and you will find fur all over the furniture, on their clothes, and sometimes even in the food. Eek!


2) They Have a Penchant for Digging


Dogs love to dig. As a matter fact, if your dog is like many, you can often find your dog digging through the cat’s litter box with the same level of excitement as when you dig for that one last Ferrero Rocher chocolate at the bottom of the bag.


3) They Get Into Some Weird Situations

Dogs often find themselves caught in some pretty weird, and often stupid, situations. This happens most often when you leave them alone for any length of time. It is almost as if they are just waiting for you to leave before trying something crazy.



4) They Make the Best Alarm Clocks

You can also forget sleeping in if you have a dog. When it is time for them to get up, it is time for you to get up as well. Most often, your dog wakes you up by licking your face, which is actually quite effective. Imagine someone wiping your face with a warm rag, and you get the clue.



5) They Are So Photogenic

You think your dog is more photogenic than your significant other. Not only are there more photos of your dog on your phone, you also have framed pictures hanging on the walls, and your social media profile pic is of you and, you guessed it, your dog!



6) They Eat Almost Anything

Where there is food, there is a way. Dogs are like heat-seeking missiles when it comes to food, constantly seeking it out until they have it in their little mouths. You can blame only yourself if you leave food out for them to get a hold of.



7) They Are Easily Excited

Dogs become easily excited and show their exuberance at times by running around crazily. This is most evident by how they exit and enter the room. Small dogs especially are prone to act like this when they haven’t seen their owner for a while, say like 10 minutes.



8) Their Relationship With You Is on a Whole Other Level

Your head knows your dog isn’t human, but your heart isn’t so sure. Like, you’re convinced your dog understands what you’re saying. You even use a special voice to have entire conversations that only makes sense to the two of you.



9) They Never Say Never When it Comes to Playing Fetch

Dogs love to play fetch with their owners. Sometimes they even try to facilitate this by bringing items for you to throw. The size of the item doesn’t matter, as they are just as apt to grab a Frisbee as they are a large tree branch twice their length.



10) They Easily Show Their Enthusiasm

Dog owners also know about that full-body, happy wiggle accompanied by the thwack thwack thwack of a furiously wagging tail too close to a wall. This ecstatic state can be triggered by almost anything, such as toys, food, and that one mega important question: “Who’s a goooood doggy?”



11) They Know Exactly How to Touch Your Heart

Dogs are also known for that adorable head tilt that really should be illegal. Your dog usually uses it when you are denying them something that they want. I mean who can say no to that face?



12) You Feel Happy for Them Even if You Are Sad

The hardest part about owning a dog is having to give them up when you move to somewhere that doesn’t allow pets. And while it might seem hard hearing that they are so happy at their new home, you feel happy for them even though you miss them.



13) They Absolutely Hate Baths

Try to give a dog a bath; I dare you. Not only will they fight you every step of the way, some will even hide in an attempt to avoid one. They even have a sixth sense about such things, running to hide at the first sound of you filling up the tub.



14) Walking Them Around Other Dogs Is Sometimes Difficult

This is the official Dog Leash Untangle Dance, performed by two or more leash-holding humans while canine besties catch up on the latest gossip at the park. No matter which way you go, they keep moving and making it worse. The struggle is real!



15) They Have No Sense of When to Stay Out of Something

Dogs usually have no clue about how things happen to them. An example is this dog, who has no clue why her paws keep turning green. All she is doing is running out to tell her owner what a good job he has done mowing the grass.



16) They Like to Collect Things

Dogs are notorious for collecting things, including socks, shoes, and whatever items you treasure most. They can’t help themselves. Chances are if you show an interest in something, they will eventually snatch it while you aren’t looking.



17) They Smell So Good to Some People

You don’t know why and you’d never do it in public, but you really, really like to smell your dog’s paws. If you had to describe the scent, it would be a heady mixture of corn chips and happiness.



18) Most Are Lovable Scamps

Don’t let your dog’s looks fool you. Even the most vicious looking of dogs just want to have fun like every other doggie. As a true dog lover, you know that many breeds get a bad rap just because some of their breed do bad things.



19) They Love to Chase Animals, Especially Skunks

If you have an outside dog, you know all about their tendency to chase animals. While most often this is pretty harmless, occasionally they go after an animal they shouldn’t, such as a skunk. This usually leads to you having to clean up the mess, or stink in the case of a skunk.



20) They Make Great Subjects of Conversation

Dogs are great subjects of conversation between dog owners. It’s amazing the instant connection between two acquaintances when you both simultaneously pull out your phones to show each other this one really funny picture you both took of your dog the other day.



21) They Love to Snuggle

Sometimes your dog simply wants to snuggle, especially if you have been away all day. All you have to do is crawl into bed or lie on the couch, and there your dog is to snuggle up to you. This is usually short lived, though, as eventually they get hungry or want to go outside.



22) They Like to Create Art

Many dogs like to lick windows. Many reasons exist for this behavior, with the most common an attempt by your dog to de-stress or because they are bored. It’s perfectly normal, according to experts; though, you might want to clean it off before company comes over.



23) They Hate Fireworks

Dogs do not like loud noises. While the Fourth of July brings with it a dazzling display of fireworks, if you are a dog owner, it also means stopping by the vet for enough prescription-strength sedatives to help your anxious dog survive the eardrum shattering holiday.



24) They Have Trouble Making Up Their Minds

While many dogs seem indecisive when it comes to staying inside or outside, most often this is a learned behavior on their part. Most often a dog wants to go in and out for a change of pace, to use the bathroom, or simply to see if they can get you to let them out.



25) They Can Smell … Really Bad

Short of giving them a bath every day, most dogs smell. Most often it is the normal smell of a dog, but sometimes, as when they let loose a stinky fart, it can get pretty bad. The best way to avoid stinky farts is not to feed them the food that causes the problem in the first place.



26) They Like to Chew on Things

Dogs like to chew on things. Most often, if you leave something within their reach, it will get chewed on. This is mainly due to boredom or an attempt to clean their teeth and strengthen their jaws. Younger dogs chew as a way to explore the world around them.



27) They Can Be Stubborn

Dogs can seem stubborn at times, such as when you want them to fetch but they seem resistant to letting what they want to play fetch with go. Often this is simply because your dog wants to play tug-of-war, or that he doesn’t understand what you want.



28) They Do Not Like Thunderstorms

Most, if not all, dogs hate thunderstorms. Just like with fireworks, they might be reacting to the loud sound the thunderstorm makes. Short of reassuring your dog and spending time with them during a thunderstorm, there is not a whole lot you can do.



29) They Are Good at Hiding

Some dogs are masters at hiding from their owners, while others epically fail at it. One thing to keep in mind about your dog’s hiding habits is that they do it for a variety of reasons. Most often this is to get away for a while, but sometimes it can signal that they are in pain.



30) Their Idea of Personal Space is Much Different Than Yours

Dogs have weird ideas about personal space. As is often the case, if you sleep with your dog, you might find yourself waking up with only a sliver of bed to call your own. You have two choices in this situation: Make your dog get off the bed or find a comfortable spot on the floor.



31) They Like to Watch

And I don’t mean TV. If you own a dog, you know how much they like to go into the bathroom when you need to go. At the very least, they stick their paws underneath the closed door. It’s almost like they can’t stand to be away from you even for a second.



32) They Put Things in the Weirdest Places

Dogs are also known to place objects in the weirdest of places. So, if you do not want something your dog has placed in something you have, such as a glass of wine, keep your item out of his range. This is them simply returning the object to you and is not being done maliciously.



33) They Are Subtle About Their Intrusions

While many dogs have no clue about respecting personal space, some are also pretty sneaky when they go about intruding into yours. One minute they are standing by your side while you sit in the chair, and the next they are curled around you like a doggie pillow.



34) You Have a Desire to Post About Your Dog’s Every Move

As a dog owner, you find it paramount to let everyone on your social media know about how special your dog really is. Your dog fell asleep in a cute way, here’s a picture. You took your dog for a walk, here’s a picture. Your dog is wearing a silly costume. Here’s. A. Picture!



35) They Are Choosy About Where They Sleep

Dogs are also very picky about where they lie around. Most often it’s because they want a change of pace, they are not used to the bed, or maybe they just don’t like their bed. Either way, you are better off taking your dog down to the pet supply store and letting them check out what is availabble to see if you can find something they like.



36) They Are Scared of The Strangest Things

In the same vein, dogs are usually wary of unknown or strange situations. Maybe they are unsure about that bridge in the park, even though they’ve been across it before. Chances are you either carry them across or go another way.



37) They Have a Better Bed Than You Do

If you are like many dog owners, you want only the best for your pet. This means buying them the best dog bed around while you probably sleep on the same mattress you had as a teenager. But as long as they are comfortable, you are OK with that.



38) They Make the Biggest Messes

If left alone for a long enough time, expect to return to some sort of mess. This is either in the form of something being broken or an object getting torn to shreds. Of course, your dog will sit there in the middle of the mess like they don’t know how it could have possibly happened.



39) They Like to Get Dirty

If given the opportunity, a dog will invariably get in the dirt, mud, or other yucky substance. Worse of all, they will then drag that mess home and into the house. Of course, they aren’t going to help you clean it up. They think of it as just dogs being dogs.



40) They will always find the most comfortable place to sleep.


“I have so many things to do today. But I can’t bring myself to wake her…”


41) They will be your best friend no matter what kind of day you’ve had.


“After receiving bad news (and taking it badly), I found my waiting outside my room like this, slowly wagging her tail. Then she walked up and licked my hand. I love my dog.”


42) They love food but who doesn’t?


“Going camping this weekend and our dog made sure to pack her true love.”


43) They also love treats!


“Hold a treat in your hand and  you’re basically a dog whisperer.”


44) They also love food that doesn’t belong to them.


“Every snack you make, every meal you bake, every bit you take, I’ll be watching you.”


45) They will hog your bed.


“I am not sorry that I am a pillow hog and I’m too cozy to feel bad about it.”


46) They’ll fart WHENEVER they want.


“Oh c’mon! My mouth was open.”


47) They’ll be the cutest alarm clock ever.


“Good morning. I’m just gonna wag my tail against noisey stuff until you wake up because I love you.”


48) They will try anything to get an extra treat.


“Him? No, he doesn’t want a cookie. He says I can have two.”


49) They’ll get themselves caught in the most hilarious places.


“Uh oh”


50) They don’t mind getting dirty if it means having fun.


“The very moment I let him off the leash…”


51) Did I already mention they fart?


“Stink-o-meter. Fart…Loading…Please open doors while waiting.”


52) They love getting into trouble.


“I love chasing skunks. I’ve been sprayed by them 4 different times. Mom says I’m a slow learner. Dad says I’m a douche bag.”


53) Nothing stands in their way of getting close to you.


“I thought you were never ever ever ever coming home ever. So I panicked.


54) They love playing outside.


“This is my dog’s reaction to “Do you want to go outside?””


55) It’s difficult to enforce rules when you’re this cute.


“Sometimes, it’s hard to enforce the ‘no pets on the bed’ rule.”


56) You are the most important thing in their life.


“He might be only part of your life, for him, you are his everything, the only person in his whole life.”


57) Improvising pays off.


“This is what I have to do to my dog so I can cut his nails with no sass.”


58) Maybe it’s the bubbles?


“Loves to swim. And play in water. Acts like it’s the end of the world when it’s bath time.”


59) They will stay close to their human.


“This is how I know where my girlfriend is…”


60) Fetching is an acquired skill.


“I want him to throw the ball…but I don’t want to give it to him.”


61) They’ll try to find something that works.


“My human won’t give me some of his dinner? Maybe if I move to his other side, he’ll change his mind.”


62) They’re just hoping some of the food hits the ground.


“Whenever I try to eat, my shoulder instantly gets heavier…”


63) They love looking out the window.


“Our windows aren’t dirty…That’s our dog’s nose art.”


64) Well, that’s considerate of them…


“Makes gagging noise before puking…so you have to time to move him off the carpet.”


65) Dogs love kids.


“She’ll bite they said…9 months later still only kisses.”


66) Get ready for dog smooches.


“The house dog will continually creep closer to you if you don’t acknowledge her. This is what happens if you ignore her.


67) They still don’t like thunderstorms.


“My girlfriend’s dog hates thunderstorms.”


68) Wait…is that a treat you’re holding?!


“Don’t want it. Gotta have it!!!!!”


69) They truly will make your life happier.