Not only are beavers adorable but they also have a very important role in local ecosystems. They are extremely industrious that some people even call them “nature’s engineers.”
They use their talents in reengineering the landscape. When there is an available site, they burrow in the banks of rivers and lakes to build dams. With their strong teeth and powerful jaws, they bring down trees to block streams and turns fields into large ponds.
Here are 55 baby beavers that will soon grow to be an amazing worker for nature!
1) Those Feet Though
Look at these tiny webbed baby beaver feet. So freakin’ tiny and adorable. I want to squeeze them.
2) Freshly Birthed Beaver
This is a brand spankin’ new baby beaver. He was born dead but saved by veternarians at ZooMontanta. We’re keeping our fingers crossed for him.
3) He Lost His Mommy
This poor little guy lost his mommy. Thankfully this orphaned beaver was resuced. He will be rehabilitated before being released back into the wild
4) Peaking Out To Say ‘Hello!’
Check out this handsom guy. He just wanted to pop out and say “hello.” He’s very happy to see you.
5) Secret Smile
Does this little baby know something we don’t? It seems as though he does. He seems to have a secret smile on his face.
6) Is That… Wood?
This guy is a messy eater. He has crumbs all over his precious flat tail. He sure does look happy chomping on that wood though.
7) Swimming Buddies
These guys are buddies. Buddies who like to swim together. They seriously look like they are posing for a group photo.
8) Cozied Up
This baby beaver is all snuggled up in his blanket. And he looks pretty darn cozy. I love those tiny little hands at the top of the blanket.
9) A Bunch Of Babies
Check out this fuzzy trio. It’s truly a trifecta of cuteness. So much cuteness in this one photo.
10) Bucket Of Beaver
It’s a beaver in a bucket. A bucket of beaver… if you will. He looks like he sure is enjoying his bucket time.
11) Dripping With Cuteness
This beaver just took a cool dip. Now he’s dripping with cuteness. And we can barely handle it.
12) Who Is Happier?
We’re not sure who is happier in this photo. Is it the woman? Or the beaver?
13) Snack Time
It’s snack time for this baby beaver. He had to stop for a mid-snack photo though. He refused to put his snack down.
14) Swim Swam
This beaver went for a nice swim swam. Now he’s ready to get out. I can’t get enough of his little baby beaver belly.
15) Hi There!
Just a baby beaver waving hello! He wants to be friends with you. Are you in love yet?
16) Cutie Pie
Look at this gorgeous ball of cuteness. I want to kiss his fuzzy face. Don’t you just want to snuggle with this face?
17) Baby Beaver And His Bunny
Nothing to see here. Just a baby beaver and his bunny. Only the cutest thing on the internet today.
18) A Boy And His Beaver
Here we have something equally as cute. It’s a boy and his beaver. Just too precious.
19) Cute As A Buttons
This is Buttons. And he’s cute as a button. This orphaned baby beaver was resuced by the Coast & Canyon Wildlife Rehabilitation.
20) A Newbie Beaver
This is a brand spanking newborn beaver. He’s among the first wild beavers to inhabit Scotland in more than 400 years. He lives in the Knapdale Forest.
21) What’s Fuzzier?
What do you think is fuzzier? Or softer? This towel or the baby beaver?

22) Stopping For A Sip
This baby beaver got a little thirsty. So, he decided to stop for a drink. Here he is taking a little sip.
23) Wobbly Baby Beaver
This baby beaver doesn’t seem to have standing mastered yet. He’s a little wobbly. But still… he is perfect.
24) Baby Beaver Bottle
This is a teeny tiny beaver. He’s so teeny tiny that he needs to be bottle fed. I can’t, too cute!
25) Aquatic Baby Beaver Belly
Look at this aquatic baby belly. I want to tickle it sooo bad! Her name is Willow.
26) Hooray!
Hooray for being a baby beaver! This little guy looks like he’s wearing mittens. Beaver mittens.
27) Wrinkles McGee
I love baby beaver bellies. Especially this one. It’s all wrinkly and stuff.
28) Beaver In A Cart
It says you can’t put a kid in a cart. But it didn’t say anything about putting a baby beaver in cart. That tail!!!
29) Momma And Her Baby
It’s family time for these babies. Here we have a momma and her baby. They are just futzing around in the snow.
30) Peek-a-Boo
This baby beaver just came up from a dive. He’s playing peek-a-boo with us. And it’s adorable.
31) Flat Foot
Look at how flat and webbed these feet are. I don’t know what it is about beaver feet. I love them.
32) Cuddle Buddies
These cuddle buddies love cuddling. The coloring on these fellas is beautiful. Such cuties.
33) Benjamin Likes Bread
“My name is Benjamin. I headbutt huge bowls off tables and smash them and still get fed lettuce and tasty seed bread,” says Benjamin on his Instagram page.
34) Beavers And Berries
This beaver likes a lot of things. But one of his favorite things is berries. He just hit the jackpot.
35) Mamma Shows Him How It’s Done
Here is a mom leading her baby to water. She’s going to show him the ins and outs of being a Beaver. He’ll get the hang of it.
36) Syringe Fed
This little baby needs special care. He gets syringe fed. And it’s too cute for words.
37) Overheadview Of Cuteness
Here’s another precious view of mommy and her baby. Look at that cutie swimming. Again, those feet!
38) Algonquin Beavers
“A sweet moment captured while mom grooms and loves her baby. And the noises the baby was making… priceless,” wrote karabearleggo on Instagram. She’s getting that kid nice and clean.
39) Two-Weeks-Old
This baby beaver is just 2-weeks-old. But he can swim like a pro. This is his post-swim look.
40) Siblings
It’s a big happy beaver family. Just a bunch of siblings in a cuddle puddle. All happy like.
41) New To The World
This baby beaver is new to the world. He’s getting one of his first meals. He looks like a strong eater.
42) Soaking Up The Sun
This guy just took a nice long swim. Now he needs to dry off. This sunny rock is the perfect place.
43) Ity Bity Beaver
This is a baby. He’s half the size of a female mallard. He’s just trying to get some plant fiber in.
44) Full Cuteness
This picture shows the full cuteness of these beavers. That tail! Those feet! That fluff!
45) Cheesin’ For The Camera
What a ham! Look at this beaver cheesin’ for the camera. He’s batting those long eyelashes.
46) Flipping us The Foot
This beaver is flipping us off. He’s flipping us the foot. I’m offended.
47) Stuffed Mommies
These babies were rescued and don’t have their momma. These stuffed animals are acting as their surrogate mommies. They are making sure these babies get fed.
48) Kits And Kernals
Here are two baby beaver kits enjoy a smorgasboard. They got fruits AND veggies. It’s a true feast.
49) Huggies
These two babies are having huggy time. The look of serenity on this one’s face is just so precious. He looks so peaceful.
50) Stopping To Smell The Sticks
This baby is just enjoying his day. Stopping to get a whiff of some sticks. Maybe have a little snack.
51) The Funny Guy
This beaver looks like a funny guy. Like he’s about to tell a joke. I bet he’s hilarious.
52) Kisses
This little beaver loves his momma. His human mamma. They both do.
53) Feed Me!
This poor little baby is starving. It looks like it’s the first meal he ever had. He can’t get enough.
54) Tail Between Your Legs
Someone must have scared this poor baby. He’s got his tail between his legs. He looks pretty scared.
55) Babies Eat With Momma
These newbies are eating from mommy. These two are freshly born. They are too cute.