These adorable doggos just think, ‘What is this thing?!’
1. Leather snake doin him a bamboozle.
credit: natsdorf / Reddit
2. When you retweet yourself.
3. Borking around the wrong tree.
4. “No time for questions, just follow me.”
5. “I has a neck tail!?!”
6. Sometimes you find salvation when you leash expect it. ?
7. “If I walk upright long enough, maybe they’ll think I’m human.”
8. Buy the ticket, take the ride.
9. Time is a flat circle.
10. Proof that choice can be overwhelming: “[I] took him off his leash for the first time. He had no idea what to do with his newfound freedom so he just sat down.”
credit: Imgur
11. Your guess is as good as ours! ?
12. “Sorry Jack, there’s no room for you on this liferaft.”
13. To protecc and servez.
credit: Imgur
14. Me when my younger siblings are arguing about who gets the last slice of ?. #collateraldamage

15. “He’ll figure it out someday” — the older doggo looking on in amusement.
credit: Imgur
16. “I didn’t choose the sub life, the sub life choose me.”
17. File this one under fashion furx pas: “My sweet fanny pack/handless leash is embarrassing him.” ? ? ?
credit: Imgur
18. Nylon noodle doin good boy an excite.
19. * freeze frame * “Yup, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I ended up in this situation … “
20. When will hypnotizing loops like this will never not be funny? (Asking for a friend.)
21. Just when you think you’re out, they pull you back in.
22. F R E E D O M ! ! ! ! !