Categories: Life

People Reveal What The First Thing They Do In The Morning Is

Most of us can agree that having a good morning routine can help you save time and make your day more efficient.


And while the majority of people do things like go to the bathroom and eat breakfast first thing in the morning, we all have our own plans and priorities.

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Can YOU tell us what your morning routine looks like? What is the first thing YOU do after you wake up?


Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to share this post with your friends and relatives so that we can hear about their morning routines as well!

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While you’re preparing your answer, here are some of the comments our dear readers entrusted us with.


“I’m definitely not a morning person so the first thing I do is warm up some water to get a good dose of caffeine running in the system,” one person shared.

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“I brush and wash my face first before anything else. I can’t imagine going to the kitchen or starting my day until I clean myself up,” another revealed.


A third added: “If it’s a week day I pretty much rush everything from washing up to eating because I have to go to work. On weekends it’s a different story. I usually stay in bed for some time and watch TV before I get up and do other things.”


A fourth explained: “I change my clothes then I eat breakfast because I can’t do anything on an empty stomach!”

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Can you relate to any of these answers? Or do you have a routine of your own that you strictly follow?


Let us know in the comments what your mornings look like and check our page for more viral stories and engaging content!