If you have a pet, you’ll realize that they give you so much wisdom on the way to live life. Although they can’t speak the human language, their instincts are much more advanced and all the more, sometimes that is much more powerful than words.
Look into the eyes of a cat and observe what they are trying to tell us. In fact, #LifeLessonsFromCats became a hashtag because there are so many things that cats do that we, as humans, should adopt and remember in our daily lives!
Cats, as we are all aware, know everything.
Have you ever looked into a cat’s eyes? Then you know this to be true. Cats have all the knowledge of the world in their tiny little paws.
Land on your feet
Cats are experts at landing on their feet, and even though physics might make us fall down, the point is to get back up and keep going.
The best things in life are free
Some of the best things in life are free. #LifeLessonsFromCats
191 people are talking about this
Cats always prefer the plastic bag or the cardboard box to the actual toy they were gifted. Learn to appreciate the simple things.
Look for the sunshine
Shari Bee@Lavendermee3
Always look for the ray of sunshine #LifeLessonsFromCats
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Have you ever seen a cat luxuriating in the only ray of sunshine to be sneaking through the window? They know how to do it. Find your light, people.
Don’t trust the red dot
That red dot is not to be trusted. #LifeLessonsFromCats
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This one is very specific to cats…but then again, if you are somewhere and a red dot appears…run.
Bladder jumping
Ooy Rrbison@Danko_Richards
If you want someone to get out of bed, jump on their bladder…#LifeLessonsFromCats
132 people are talking about this
This does seem to be a foolproof way to get someone out of bed. Just be warned that it’s not the most polite tactic.
No filming before coffee
Don’t let someone film you before coffee and primping. It’ll be on the Internet forever.
See Mick ‘s other Tweets
This is an important one. You always want to look your best when you’re going to be on camera.
Cuddle more, stress less
Cuddle more, Stress less #LifeLessonsFromCats
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I cannot stress this one enough. Cuddling is essential for happiness. Cuddle all the time. For your health.
Here and meow
Jeremy’s Ghost@dethbycofee2
Always live in the here and meow
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Always live in the here and meow. Wow. Just a wonderful, A+ cat pun. And also a great life lesson. Color me impressed.
Be direct
Be direct. #LifeLessonsFromCats
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If there’s one thing we can definitely learn from cats, it’s to be direct. Go after what you want. Cats are not about dancing around the issue at hand. If they want attention, they’ll smack you in the face until you give it to them.
Cindy Gail Prince@cindyrellapr
#LifeLessonsFromCats relax with a cup of coffee
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This cat gets it. Sometimes you just have to take some time for yourself. Relax. Grab a cup of coffee. Don’t worry about anything for an hour or so.
Be OK being stuck
Cindy Gail Prince@cindyrellapr
#LifeLessonsFromCats Don’t let it bother you when you stuck once in awhile
See Cindy Gail Prince’s other Tweets
Look, sometimes in life, you’re going to get stuck. Don’t stress. Cats don’t stress when they’re stuck. They accept where they are and know that soon, things will be better.
Hilarious Henrietta@stickcandy54
Stretching is good for your muscles #LifeLessonsFromCats
See Hilarious Henrietta’s other Tweets
This is true, stretching is good for your muscles, but mostly I just wanted you to see this kitten GIF. It’s so good!
Venting is good for you
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Venting is good for you. Cats aren’t afraid to let it all out when they’re upset, and you shouldn’t be either!
Stand tall
#LifeLessonsFromCats stand tall!
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It’s even more powerful for a cat to teach you to stand tall because they mostly live on four feet! Standing tall is really an accomplishment for a cat.
Take a nap
#LifeLessonsFromCats when life gets too dramatic, just take a nap
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If life is getting to be too much, as it is want to do on occasion, just take a nap. Sleep it off. 16 hours a day should do it.
Butt in face
If someone irritates you, put your butt in their face.#LifeLessonsFromCats
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You know, I have found that this works really well for cats, but when humans do it, it’s deemed “inappropriate.” So maybe skip this one.
Fall with style
Skywalker Jedi Academy@SkywalkerJediEd
In life, you’re going to fall, but you can always do it with style.
See Skywalker Jedi Academy’s other Tweets
Cats may be beautiful and elegant, but they aren’t always graceful, and you won’t be either. If you’re falling, do it with style.
Bury your stuff
Chris Dmytriw@chrisdmytriw1
Always bury your crap. #LifeLessonsFromCats
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But like, not your emotions and stuff. Don’t bury those. We want those out in the open. I think he means like, treasures that are important to you. But don’t forget where you buried them.
Early cat
Ratchet Attachment Disorder@Rachels_Ratchet
The early cat gets the bird. #LifeLessonsFromCats
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I don’t think this is the saying, but I get what she means. You want to be the early cat, for sure.
Get lots of sleep
just Johnsense.
All you need is eight hours of sleep per day, and twelve at night. #LifeLessonsFromCats
84 people are talking about this
Like I said before, 16-20 hours of sleep a day should cut it. On second thought, maybe cats need more sleep than humans…
Be your crazy self
Be your crazy self and let the world deal with it #LifeLessonsFromCats
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Cats don’t apologize for being crazy, ever! And every cat is crazy! So definitely be yourself and don’t be sorry about it.
Look cute
Robyn spelled with a “y”@robyndwoskin
Look cute so they don’t get too mad #LifeLessonsFromCats
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This is honestly a foolproof plan. Every animal I’ve ever owned has used this tactic on me. And I’ve seen a lot of humans get away with it too.
People follow the interesting
Zvjezdan Patz@zvjezdanpatz
If something is interesting everyone will follow it #LifeLessonsFromCats
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If you are a creative type, this is a really good lesson to learn. If you make interesting stuff, it will find an audience.
Cuteness is key
Dirtbag Murphy@dirtbagmurphy
As long as you’re cute you can be an asshole#LifeLessonsFromCats
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It’s not nice to be mean, but it’s an unfortunate lesson that often if you are good looking (like cats), you can get away with more.
Ignore people
Ignore people. It makes them want your attention even more. #LifeLessonsFromCats
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Sometimes this works, yes. Cats ignore people all the time, and all people want to do is love on their cats. Dogs though, dogs love openly and unconditionally, and I happen to prefer that method.
Hide in plain sight
MET – Something Something Catfish@Mymeaneviltwin
Best way to hide is in plain sight #LifeLessonsFromCats
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This is amazing. Look at that cat, posed exactly the same way as his photo. He knows exactly what he’s doing.
Befriend your enemies
dolores starkgaryen@BlazyGardener
Your enemies don’t have to be.
See dolores starkgaryen’s other Tweets
Just because historically, you don’t get along, that doesn’t mean you have to keep up the feud. Talk to your enemies! Befriend them!
Sugar then spice
Sugar then spice…lol#LifeLessonsFromCats
158 people are talking about this
This is very important. If you are going to dole out criticism, make sure you say something nice first. It helps.
If you fits, you sits.
If I fits I sits #LifeLessonsFromCats
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